zhōng é yī lí tǎ ěr bā hā tái tōng shāng zhāng chéng
中 zhōng: central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain
俄 é: sudden(ly), soon; Russian
伊 yī: third person pronoun; he, she, this, that
犁 lí: plow
塔 tǎ: tower, spire, tall building
尔 ěr: you; that, those; final particle
巴 bā: greatly desire, anxiously hope
哈 hā: sound of laughter
台 tái: platform; unit; term of address
通 tōng: pass through, common, communicate
商 shāng: commerce, business, trade
章 zhāng: composition; chapter, section
程 chéng: journey, trip; schedule, agenda
To facilitate prenonciation of Chinese ideograms original of drawing,
the government of the People's Republic of China has adopted a Pinyin system in the years 1955-1957,
becomed ISO 7098 in 1982, using the Latin alphabet.
Please take a look at Pinyin for more explanations.
Complementary to this page, you can translate a Latin language, English,
in Chinese characters by pronunciation, ie, the transliteration.