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Presidentiables 2237

Presidentiable 2237
François Bayrou (法郎索瓦.白鲁),
born on 1951-05-25, France, I'm only 73 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 285 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Olivier Besancenot (欧利维叶.贝尚斯诺),
born on 1974-04-18, France, I'm only 50 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 263 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Jean-Pierre Chevènement (让-皮尔.车维内孟),
born on 1939-03-09, France, I'm only 85 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 298 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Dominique de Villepin (多米尼克.德.维尔品), France,
born on 1953-11-14, Morocco, I'm only 71 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 283 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Philippe de Villiers (费利普.德.维利叶),
born on 1949-03-25, France, I'm only 75 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 288 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Laurent Fabius (罗伦.法比尤斯),
born on 1946-08-20, France, I'm only 78 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 290 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nicolas Miguet (尼哥拉.米盖),
born on 1961-01-16, France, I'm only 64 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 276 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Ségolène Royal (玛丽.鲁亚尔), France,
born on 1953-09-22, Senegal, I'm only 71 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 283 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nicolas Sarkozy (尼哥拉.萨可奇),
born on 1955-01-28, France, I'm only 70 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 282 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Dominique Strauss-Kahn (多米尼克.斯特劳斯-汗),
born on 1949-04-25, France, I'm only 75 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 288 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Dominique Voynet (多米尼克.甫瓦内),
born on 1958-11-04, France, I'm only 66 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 278 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nicolas Hulot (尼哥拉.胡乐),
born on 1955-04-30, France, I'm only 69 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 282 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Jean-François Copé (让-法郎索瓦.可贝),
born on 1964-05-05, France, I'm only 60 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 273 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon (让-路克.梅朗雄), France,
born on 1951-08-19, Morocco, I'm only 73 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 285 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Pierre Laurent (皮艾尔.劳伦),
born on 1957-07-01, France, I'm only 67 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 279 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Martine Aubry (玛玎.奥布雷),
born on 1950-08-08, France, I'm only 74 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 286 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Marine Le Pen (玛琳.勒鹏),
born on 1968-08-05, France, I'm only 56 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 268 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Daniel Cohn-Bendit (达尼艾尔.可恩-班地特),
born on 1945-04-04, France, I'm only 79 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 292 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Alain Juppé (阿兰.朱佩),
born on 1945-08-15, France, I'm only 79 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 291 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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François Fillon (法郎索瓦.飞勇),
born on 1954-03-04, France, I'm only 70 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 283 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Hervé Morin (艾尔维.莫林),
born on 1961-08-17, France, I'm only 63 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 275 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Cécile DUFLOT (赛细儿.杜甫乐),
born on 1975-04-01, France, I'm only 49 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 262 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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François Hollande (法郎索瓦.荷兰得),
born on 1954-05-12, France, I'm only 70 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 282 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Gérard Collomb (洁拉尔),
born on 1947-06-20, France, I'm only 77 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 289 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Gérard Schivardi (洁拉尔),
born on 1950-04-17, France, I'm only 74 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 287 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (尼哥拉.杜蓬-艾让),
born on 1961-03-07, France, I'm only 63 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 276 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Eva Joly (爱娃.焦丽), France,
born on 1943-12-05, Norway, I'm only 81 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 293 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nathalie Arthaud (娜达丽.阿托),
born on 1970-02-23, France, I'm only 55 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 267 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Arnaud Montebourg (阿诺.孟得堡),
born on 1962-10-30, France, I'm only 62 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 274 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Patrick Lozès (巴特力克.罗塞斯), France,
born on 1965-01-13, Benin, I'm only 60 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 272 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Philippe Poutou (费利普.破土),
born on 1967-03-14, France, I'm only 57 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 270 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Christine Boutin (克丽丝婷.布挺),
born on 1944-04-06, France, I'm only 80 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 293 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Corinne Lepage (可琳.乐派洁),
born on 1951-05-11, France, I'm only 73 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 285 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Frédéric Nihous (弗雷德利克.尼乌斯),
born on 1967-08-15, France, I'm only 57 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 269 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Emmanuel Macron (艾玛牛尔.马克龙),
born on 1977-12-21, France, I'm only 47 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 259 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Manuel Valls (马牛艾尔.瓦尔斯),
born on 1962-08-13, France, I'm only 62 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 274 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet (娜达丽.科修斯柯-莫里塞),
born on 1973-05-14, France, I'm only 51 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 263 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Michèle Alliot-Marie (蜜雪儿.亚了玛丽),
born on 1946-09-10, France, I'm only 78 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 290 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Yade Ramatoulaye (亚德.拉马都赖), France,
born on 1976-12-13, Senegal, I'm only 48 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 260 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Yannick Jadot (亚尼克.加多),
born on 1967-07-27, France, I'm only 57 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 269 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Jacques Cheminade (雅克.史密纳德),
born on 1941-08-20, France, I'm only 83 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 295 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Antoine Waechter (安东尼.外世特),
born on 1949-02-11, France, I'm only 76 years old. At the beginning of the presidential mandate 2237, I'll have 288 years old on the Monday, May 8, 2237.

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Fire Ox

Fire Ox

this is the chinese sign of the year 2237 in Chinese zodiac, when the French People elect their Fire Ox President version 2237, following the Water Monkey President, for a new mandate of 5 years at Elysee Palace. Please consult the list of Presidents of the French Republic in place or in the past.

Created 2010-10-23 23:13:13
Updated 2013-05-11 09:25:30

Karma the destiny

On Taoism, the destiny of every man/woman is already written in the celest book. The future winner of the presidential elections is already registered in this book. Who will be it? We will not know by advance this secrecy. The Chinese Zodiac Sign forecasts well the as well as professional life as private one of every body, indluding political men/women for the presidential elections. Here is an analysis of the Chinese zodiac sign for the celebrities potential candidates to the presidential elections 2237 in France. Probably one among them will sail France during the 5 years which will follow. We wish the Good Luck to France!

Le choice of presidentiables will evolve with the time and events when approaching the presidential elections 2237. In France, a presidentiable is a woman/man who will make herself/himself to be elected as President of the Republic, or could be and capable of becoming President (cf. Wiktionary). With Happiness, France est eternal, by curiosity, you can take a glimpse on the situation non scientifique of the next French presidential mandate (presidential elections 2242).


Please also consult the list of Contemprary World Great Men - the Pantheon of the World.


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