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5. Visiteur *.*.217.* - 2020-11-29 17:31:05
This is good for diabetics.
4. merzak16049 - 2019-06-06 18:44:48
I am interested in your tortilla I want to import it to my father
3. merzak16049 - 2019-06-06 18:34:19
I am interested in your tortilla I want to import it to my father
2. dewapoker99 - 2018-10-06 05:45:50
Food insect can be consumed right? It's awesome food,, I never tried one before But i think my grandma ever make some candy from worm,, hmm..
1. dewapoker99 - 2018-10-06 05:43:36
That frozen shrimp bites is the best, it's really delicious when my sister cooked it.. I really recommend that for dinner XD
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